Jean-Marc PICARD Enseignant-chercheur
| TSH - Technologie et Sciences de l'Homme | TSH - Technologie et Sciences de l'Homme
Expert in Quality & Security and Safety Systems for industries and public authorities
Compétences clés
- Standardization expert, Ministry of Interior (since 2002)
- External expert for quality and standardization by convention, CNES (National Space Agency) (since 2001)
- External expert, DG ECHO European Emergency Response Capacity to assist Humanitarian Aid
- Auditor systems ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, EN 9100, SQS (Swiss Quality Systems)
- Expert of management and security standards (ISO 223xx series), accreditation (ISO 170xx), in aerospace, defense and automotive (EN 9100, ISO TS 16949) for the industry
- Project leader for international standards (security plans), ISO TC 292
- Industrial expert, Ariane Group, BNP, CNES, EADS, GDF, IBM, L’Oréal, Lafarge, RTE, Schneider
- National expert for international committees ISO TC 292 and CEN TC 391
- Assessor, ANR National Research Agency
- Architect of safety quality management system: over 50 audits and international certifications in QHSE management systems (ISO 9001 / OHSAS 18001 / ISO14001, MASE, ISO TS 16949, EN9100)
- Member of the Board of the Institute for the Software and Systems Quality
- Convenor of the Systemic and Quality group, AFCET
- IHESI National Institute of High Studies for Interior Security: business intelligence expert
Professional and official responsibilities exercised
- Compiegne University of Technology member of the board (2005 - 2017)
- Compiegne University of Technology associate professor (since 1999)
- Ministry of Interior General Secretariat expert and senior advisor
- Civil Safety Directorate and the Crisis Management senior advisor, Ministry of Interior
- Directorate of National Security Planning project manager, Ministry of Interior
- Scientific Police member of the Scientific Board of INPS, Ministry of Interior (3 years)
- Defense advisor to the minister (HFD), Ministry of Interior (6 years)
- Vice-president, National Association of Auditors, IHESI / INHESJ, Ministry of Interior
- Member of standardization task force, MEDEF (National Association of French Enterprises)
- AFNOR National Standardization Agency VP GIS Homeland Security, Pdt. Security Forum representative of the Minister of Interior, Pdt. of the security committee, head of the national delegation (ISO, CEN)
- State representative to the Audit Committee at the French Committee for Accreditation, COFRAC (6 years)
- Vice-president, IMDR Institute for Risk Management and the Dependability
- Executive manager for marketing, quality and security, Alten software and consulting group (10 years)
- Software engineering advisor, middle frames expert for IBM France, - Informatique et industrie (3 years)
- IT Manager, engineering of call centers (DBMS and telecoms), Phone Marketing: (6 years)
Teaching and Research
Industrial programs and products, quality and risk management and standardization: Nantes University, Paris X Nanterre, Esiee, Epf, Ensam, Centrale, Ecole Hubert Curien. Co-founder of two master’s programs
- Standardization Security Safety (HSSE), process and program efficiency, quality and compliance
Co-manager NOTSEG program (2012) for safety standards, System @ tic label (National Research Agency)
- Scientific manager NORDEFI program, Superior Council for the Training and Strategic Research (2015)
- ISO, CEN: expert and international safety standards co-editor (crisis management, business continuity, etc.)
- Master Information & Security, Graduate of the National Institute for High Security Studies
Publications (sélection)
- Risk Control with A.Villemeur, J-F Barbet, JL.Deschanels, AFNOR 2003), economic and competitive Intelligence Governance (Doc.Française 2006), Risk Management Sustainable Development, Dunod, 2009
- International Congress and numerous articles in Engineering Technology, Préventique
- Member of the editorial board of the Cahiers de la Sécurité, National Institute for High Studies in Security
- Gartner group: lecturer (2001-2006)
- Computerworld / IDC: editor
- Private (CNES DGA) and public seminars (Senate HCFDC, IMDR)
- Chevalier dans l’ordre national du Mérite

Jean-Marc PicardEnseignant-chercheur
Centre d'Innovation
57 avenue de Landshut
60200 Compiègne
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