Khalil BEN MANSOUR Ingénieur
co-direction de la plateforme Technologie Sport Santé | GB - Génie Biologique | BMBI - BioMécanique et BioIngénierie
Compétences clés
I currently hold a position of research engineer in the laboratory of Biomechanics and Bioengineering
(BMBI - CNRS UMR 7338) - University of Technology of Compiègne.
(BMBI - CNRS UMR 7338) - University of Technology of Compiègne.
My research is focused on the study of the mechanics of human activities, including the motion of athletes, workers and patients in their usual environment.This leads me to develop mathematical and computational models for events which allow increased understanding, performance evaluation and optimization, as well as intelligent implementation and the design of tools. The goal is often the development of methods and systems providing real time feedback of human performance during daily life activities and training.
Before joining the University of Technology of Compiègne, I worked within the ROBIOSS team (from 2002 to 2010) on projects concerning the coordination of multi-body systems by merging concepts appropriated for robotics and biomechanics of human movement. I obtained my PhD degree in Biomechanics and Bioengineering in December 2008 (University of Poitiers).
Current Position Research engineer in the BMBI -CNRS UMR 7338 - University of Technology of Compiègne
2009-2010 : Research Engineer in the ROBIOSS-D3-Insitut P'
2007-2009 : Lecturer and research associate at Faculté des Sciences et Techniques - University of Limoges
Dec 2008 : PhD degree in Biomechanics and Bioingineering - University of Poitiers
2003-2005 : Temporary research position for a study on Musculoskeletal disorders ROBIOSS - D3-Insitut P'
2002-2003 : Master Degree in Biomechanics and Bioengineering - University of Poitiers
2009-2010 : Research Engineer in the ROBIOSS-D3-Insitut P'
2007-2009 : Lecturer and research associate at Faculté des Sciences et Techniques - University of Limoges
Dec 2008 : PhD degree in Biomechanics and Bioingineering - University of Poitiers
2003-2005 : Temporary research position for a study on Musculoskeletal disorders ROBIOSS - D3-Insitut P'
2002-2003 : Master Degree in Biomechanics and Bioengineering - University of Poitiers
My research is focused on the study of the mechanics of human activities, including the motion of workers, athletes and patients in their usual environment.
I managed and achieved several projects in different fields of research such as:
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Ergonomics
- Design Engineering
- Sport Biomechanics
- Sport Physiology
Khalil Ben MansourIngénieur de Recherche
Centre d'innovation - BMBI
57 Avenue de Landshut
60200 Compiègne