
Antoine FAYEULLE Enseignant-chercheur

Maître de Conférences | GB - Génie Biologique | TIMR - Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable

Compétences clés

fungi mycoremediation polluted soils

Antoine Fayeulle graduated with a master degree and an engineer diploma in biotechnologies from ESBS (Ecole Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg) in 2010 and in 2013 with a PhD about bioremediation of PAH polluted soils using fungi within a joint supervision between ULCO (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale) and TUM (Technische Universität München). In 2013-2014, he worked as ATER (Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) in ULCO. Since 2014, he has been working as an assistant professor in Microbiology in UTC with subjects concerning bioproduction and biodegradation processes using in particular filamentous fungi.
Antoine Fayeulle


Antoine Fayeulle
Maître de Conférences

Laboratoire TIMR
Centre de Recherche Royallieu
Rue du Dr Schweitzer - CS 60319
60203 Compiègne Cedex