Islam RAMADAN Ingénieur
Ingénieur de Recherche | IM - Ingénierie Mécanique | ROBERVAL - Mécanique, Energie et Electricité
Islam Ramadan has joined the UTC as a research engineer responsible for the platforms of acoustics and materials research teams in Roberval Laboratory. His research activities focus on the field of acoustics and aeroacoustics.
Compétences clés
Islam Ramadan started his career in academia as a research engineer in Pprime institute at the University of Poitiers in 2018. He worked on a project of designing a thermoacoustic refrigerator for the automobile industry. He also worked on the investigation of acoustic flows using laser systems such as Particle Image Velocimetry and Laser Doppler Velocimetry.
Currently, he is working as a research engineer responsible for the platforms of acoustics and materials research teams in Roberval Laboratory. He has designed several experimental setups for the researchers in acoustic and materials research teams. His research activities focus on the field of experiments in acoustics and aeroacoustics.
Currently, he is working as a research engineer responsible for the platforms of acoustics and materials research teams in Roberval Laboratory. He has designed several experimental setups for the researchers in acoustic and materials research teams. His research activities focus on the field of experiments in acoustics and aeroacoustics.
- 2018 Ph.D. in Mechanical engineering from the American University in Cairo, “Experimental Investigation of Non-linearities in Thermoacoustic Systems: Streaming, Transition to Turbulence and Entrance Effects”.
- 2012 Master of Science in Mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
- 2009 Bachelor (B.Sc.) in Mechanical power engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
Islam RamadanIngénieur de recherche
ROBERVAL - Mécanique, Énergie et Électricité
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